Make sure to do this with all enemies or any enemies that are relatively close. This means the Ike cannot EVER be recalled and in few instances, neither can Elincia or Ena.If there is no way to recall a character from a battle, there is a way to make sure they never get hit.All you have to do is click on your enemies with the A button and it will show you their attack range. Just select the people you don't want to get hurt and hit the A button.This does not work with characters highlighted in green.

To do so, consult the menu during Chapter 25.Shinon - Shinon can be recruited if you have Rolf talk to him (since he will not attack Rolf like he will everyone else). He can be recruited there via the Info Menu.Calil - Calil, too, can be recruited via the Info Menu, but in Chapter 20 instead of Chapter 12 like Sothe.Largo - Like Calil and Sothe, Largo is also recruited via the Info Menu. Have one of them stand on the square there, and eventually Stefan will appear.Sothe - To recruit Sothe, head to Chapter 12. Send Mordecal or Lethe to the upper corner of the desert, where there is a Bird Tribe member. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please.Character Recruitment Below is a list of some characters in the game and how to recruit them to your team.Stefan - Recruit Stefan in the desert level where you figut Muarim and the Freedom Fighters. Page Tools.This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki for GameCube.